Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What Not to Wear

You probably think I am too concerned with this topic, but what you wear in the workplace can impact how you are perceived.  This is what the folks at Culture and Manners Institute have to say:
If you could command a higher salary or get promoted by dressing a certain way, would you do it? When it comes to fashion in the workplace, modest is hottest.

If you show too much skin (or undergarments), others will not see the person inside nor hear your ideas. Ladies, if you want to move up in the management ranks, trade in those low necked cotton t-shirts or skimpy spaghetti strapped tops for a collared blouse. Gentlemen, stop wearing clothes that are too tight to show off the guns and pull up your low-hanging drawers. Everybody, save the flip-flops for the beach.

Never let a poorly chosen outfit speak louder than you. If you want to advance in your career, dress so people respect you, not inspect you.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Tips for Social Networking

Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and other social networking sites can be great avenues for making connections - potentially even resulting in a new job.  However, they are only effective if used in a professional manner.  Take a look at these tips from NALP for developing your professional online presence.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

10 Deadly Sins

This article offers some good perspective on mistakes to avoid as a new associate.