Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Young Lawyer Financial Program™

I received this (unsolicited) e-mail yesterday and thought I would pass along the information. I have no idea whether this is a good company and am not endorsing their product. Please research them carefully if you decide to take advantage of their services.

How can you help third year law students who decide they are not interested in exploring traditional career paths and want to venture out on their own or start a small practice upon graduation? What do you tell a 2002 graduate who contacts your office in search of a way to exit the “big law firm” rat race? These may be difficult questions for you to answer, but we can help.

Civil Action Finance, Ltd. (CAF) knows how difficult it is for a recent law school graduate to start a law practice. The capital resource requirements and lack of a legal support structure can be overwhelming and intimidating. In an attempt to give back to the legal profession and provide some impetus to those with an entrepreneurial spirit, Civil Action Group, Ltd. developed the Young Lawyer Financial Program™.

CAF began financing law firms and their litigation costs back in 1997. We are not a structured settlement or pre-settlement loan program. We work directly with the lawyers and law firms to provide them the necessary funding to litigate personal injury or product liability claims against the “deeper pockets” of the defense firms and insurance companies. That has been the primary obstacle facing sole practitioners or the smaller boutique firms.

As Career Services professionals you know that not everyone fits the same mold. We feel we offer a career option for those that look forward to “fighting-the-fight” on their own rather than going to a Top 250 firm. And we can help you give them that opportunity. Please forward this information and attached materials to those students or alumni that might be interested in this program or direct them to our website at Young Lawyer’s Program.

Should you have any questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact me.


Craig Robbins
Civil Action Finance
A Division of Civil Action Group, Ltd.
1800-328-7171 crobbins@CivilActionFinance.com

Friday, September 21, 2007

17th Annual Entertainment Law Institute 2007

Institute offered by TexasBarCLE:

17th Annual Entertainment Law Institute 2007
Austin - Live Presentation
October 11-12, 2007
Hyatt Regency Austin
Register by September 27th and save up to $45!
Get More Info or Register

Highlights will include:

Legal Issues Encountered in Multi-Artist Rap/Hip-Hop Album Production
Nashville Record and Publishing Deals
New Legal and Business Challenges Arising from Digital Distribution
Producing and Pitching Film & Television Projects to Cable TV Networks
Negotiating for an Athlete's Services
Texas Star Award Presentation Honoring Marybeth Peters
Lunch Provided on Thursday
And Much More

Unfortunately, they are not offering a special rate for law students, but this could be a great conference for networking if you are interested in this field.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

College Cost Reduction and Access Act of 2007

The following is an abstract found at this link describing the recently passed College Cost Reduction and Access Act of 2007. This Act could have implications for those you considering pursuing careers with lower salaries.

Abstract: In the College Cost Reduction and Access Act of 2007, Congress has created the income-based repayment (IBR) plan for student loans, through which graduates with high debts and low incomes may substantially reduce their monthly loan repayment obligations. Congress has also created a public service loan forgiveness plan, through which the federal government will forgive the remaining debt of borrowers who make 120 IBR (or certain other) payments while serving full time in public service jobs (very broadly defined). These programs are available to those who borrowed for graduate and professional training as well as for undergraduate education. These two programs will be of great value to public interest lawyers because of their typically high debts and low incomes, but they will also significantly assist social workers, government employees, soldiers, nurses, doctors, teachers, and many others who work in non-profit organizations and government agencies. This article explains why Congress created these two related programs, demonstrates the magnitude of the benefits available to representative borrowers, and outlines how graduates can obtain these benefits. It also elaborates how, even before the income-based repayment plan becomes effective in 2009, public service employees may make monthly repayments that will help to qualify them for eventual loan forgiveness. Finally, the article discusses the need for additional legislation to enable these new programs to achieve their objectives fully.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Interested in School Law?

Take a look at this e-mail we received:

In 2006, the National School Boards Association’s Council of School Attorneys launched an effort to increase the number of new lawyers choosing to become school attorneys who represent k-12 public school districts. The Council is a membership group of over 3,000 attorneys nationwide who have public school districts as their clients. http://www.nsba.org/cosa.

On Nov. 1-3, 2007, the Council will hold its fall School Law Practice Seminar at the Austin Hilton Downtown, and we would like to invite law students from the Baylor School of Law to attend at a greatly discounted rate of $50. Non-member registration for this two and one half day event is $650. About 150 school lawyers from around the country will attend, and we thought this might be an ideal opportunity for law students to see constitutional law and other law at work in k-12 public school districts.

Members of our law school committee would be pleased to host law students for the seminar. We request that you make this offer available to your students. Our law school committee chair, Allison Brown Schafer, is general counsel for the North Carolina School Boards Association. We also have three Council board members in Texas: Shellie Hoffman Crow, at the Walsh Anderson firm in Austin; the seminar chair, M. Kaye DeWalt of the Adams & Reese firm in Houston; and Jeff Horner, of the Bracewell & Giuliani firm also in Houston.

The online brochure is available at http://www.nsba.org/cosa2/practice/index.htm Students must register by fax or mail to receive the discounted rate. Advance registration is required. Students should send registrations with a check or credit card payment to: Lyndsay Andrews, NSBA, 1680 Duke St., Alexandria, VA 22314, or fax to 703-548-5613. Students will be asked to verify their student status. For additional information about this special registration offer, contact Lyndsay Andrews, Council membership manager, at landrews@nsba.org (703) 838-6738 or Laura Baird, Legal Services Assistant, at lbaird@nsba.org.

If students from your law school are unable to attend, we encourage students to subscribe to our free weekly online news service, Legal Clips. An online registration form is available at http://www.nsba.org/site/page.asp?TRACKID=&CID=373&DID=8614 Our Legal Clips editor, Tom Hutton thutton@nsba.org, would be happy to welcome students from your school by name in a weekly issue of Legal Clips. Just contact Tom, NSBA Senior Staff Attorney, and give him the information about classes that are subscribing. You can unsubscribe at any time.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Equal Justice Works Opportunities

3LS: Deadline for the 2008 Fellowship Application is Sept. 18

All Students: Upcoming Conference and Career Fair Deadlines

Recent Graduates:
AmeriCorps Attorney Positions available in the 2007-08 Pro Bono Legal Corps

Recruitment for the 2007-08 Pro Bono Legal Corps (PBLC) is now underway. The PBLC is an Equal Justice Works' AmeriCorps-funded program which places law graduates at pro bono and legal aid organizations to develop quality pro bono opportunities that expand legal resources in low-income and underserved communities. AmeriCorps Attorneys may serve for up to two 11-month terms starting in August 2007. Positions are located at sites in Los Angeles, New Orleans, Boston, San Francisco, Jacksonville, Helena, and other cities across the country. The Pro Bono Legal Corps is an excellent first step to building a career in public interest law. More information about these positions and how to apply is now available at http://www.equaljusticeworks.org/programs/pblc/apply.