Monday, March 24, 2008

Top 10 Resume and Cover Letter Mistakes to Avoid

Find excellent pointers for applying in the nonprofit job market here.

Law Practice Management for Young Lawyers

The Law Practice Management Section of the American Bar Association offers many resources to new lawyers. Find the resources available to you here.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Diversity in Law

Diversity is an issue at all levels - college, law school, and in the workforce. This article discusses the initiatives some law firms are taking to increase the number of minority attorneys. If this is an area in which you would like to be involved, you should discuss options available with prospective employers during the interview process.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Learning from Our Mistakes

Debra Bruce, an attorney and executive coach, recently wrote this article for the Law Practice Management Newsletter on mistakes attorneys often make in the business management aspects of their careers:

Sunday, March 9, 2008

"How to Manage Your First Legal Assistant"

"When you hire or receive your first legal assistant, you may not know how to manage your legal assistant -- let alone yourself. This article is designed to give you some helpful hints for working with your first legal assistant."

Small Talk Your Way into Your Ideal Career

This article gives tips for making the most of what could be awkward situations, turning them into opportunities to develop key relationships.


A big part of being a civil attorney is bringing business into your firm. This article discusses key qualities to develop to become a better rainmaker.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Changes in Timing of Summer Associate Offers

NALP has recently changed the guidelines that regulate when students must accept offers from firms. See this Texas Lawyer article about the changes.

Monday, March 3, 2008


I posted about this in December, but just in case you missed it, this conference is in Dallas and is only $25 for law students:


April 9 and 10, 2008
Hilton Anatole Hotel
Dallas, Texas
More Information
Register Now

The American Bar Association’s Continuing Legal Education (CLE) conference on HIV/AIDS Law and Practice: From Local Client to Global Workforce, will convene a dynamic group of lawyers, policy advocates, and public health experts from across the country to explore cutting-edge legal issues affecting people living with HIV/AIDS and the people around them.

The conference will include a business track covering key linkages among employers, employees and HIV, the critical challenges HIV/AIDS poses to small businesses and multi-national corporations alike, and the private sector’s vital role in combating HIV/AIDS at home and abroad. Ambassador Mark R. Dybul, U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator, will give the keynote address at the conference dinner on April 9.

Among other vital topics, conference workshops will examine:

What's New? Federal HIV/AIDS Initiatives and Proposed Legislation
Access to HIV Medications through Government Programs
Criminal Law and HIV: Current Trends and Enforcement
Immigration and HIV
State Responses to the CDC’s Routine HIV Testing Guidelines: An Update for Practitioners
HIV and Human Rights at Home and Abroad
HIV in the Workplace: Global Demographics in 2008 and Beyond
Labor/Management Collaborations: A Brave New World
Working Again: Issues Faced by HIV-positive Employees Returning to Work
Fighting HIV/AIDS: What Is a Corporation's Responsibility?

For more information and to register for the conference, visit the conference page on the Committee's Web site. Sponsorship opportunities available - see website for more details. Please direct questions or comments to the ABA AIDS Coordination Project via e-mail or telephone (202/662-1025).