Thursday, December 20, 2007

Tips from the 'other side'

I just received an e-mail with this newsletter from Alston & Bird LLP offering tips on interviewing from an OCI interviewer, insight on cover letters from an office hiring manager and a timeline for a typical day at the firm from two summer associates.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Lawyer Depression

The timing of this article in the ABA Journal is very appropriate given today is our Bear Essentials Stress Management Day! If you are unable to join us at the lunch where we will have a representative from the Texas Lawyers' Assistance Program, we will have extras of the brochures available in the Career Services Office.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

"Welcome to the Real World: 10 Survival Tips for New Associates"

This article in Texas Lawyer gives helpful tips to new attorneys.

The Public Interest v. Private Firm Dilemma

For those of you struggling with this decision, this Washington Post article lets you know you are not alone.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

HIV/AIDS Law Conference

The registration fee for this conference in Dallas is only $25 for law students!
An ABA National CLE Conference
April 9 and 10, 2008
Hilton Anatole Hotel
Dallas, Texas

The American Bar Association’s national CLE conference, HIV/AIDS Law and Practice: From Local Client to Global Workforce, will convene lawyers and policy advocates nationwide to explore cutting-edge legal issues affecting people living with HIV/AIDS and the people around them.

The conference program will include a comprehensive ‘business track’ on the key linkages between employers, employees and HIV, the critical challenges facing small businesses and multi-national corporations alike, and the private sector’s vital role in combating the AIDS pandemic.

In addition to a keynote address by Amb. Mark R. Dybul, U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator, the conference will cover such topics as:

HIV in the Workplace: Global Demographics in 2008 and Beyond
Labor/Management Collaborations: A Brave New World
Corporate Involvement in Community Activities: Who’s Doing What?
Criminal Transmission of HIV: Current Trends and Enforcement
Immigration and HIV
Access to HIV Medications: Negotiating the Minefield
States Respond to CDC Routine Testing Guidelines: An Update for Practitioners
HIV and Human Rights at Home and Abroad

For more information and to register, visit the conference page or go to the Committee's Web site. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the ABA AIDS Coordination Project by email or telephone (202/662-1025).

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Improvement to the College Cost Reduction Act

This just in from Heather Jarvis at Equal Justice Works:

Great news! The House just passed a technical amendments bill, S2371, that eliminates the "marriage penalty" under the income-based/contingent repayment options. Having already been approved in the Senate, it goes next to the President without a need for a conference.
The fix works like this: if a married spouse files a separate income tax return, the spouse's income will be entirely excluded from the borrower's when calculating repayment terms.

You can find information about the CCRA here.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007